
All The Wrong I Could Be

This blog is here to help and entertain.  All information in this blog is as correct as I can make it, to the best of my knowledge, at the time of writing.  That means it could be wrong, out of date, or just dumb.  Please consult a tax or legal professional before making any significant decisions.

Please don’t contact me with angry reports of how wrong I am.  I’m just a normal guy that makes mistakes like anyone else. Is everything I say in this blog correct?  Probably not. Am I trained as an accountant or tax professional? Definitely not. Can I halt time and/or keep every article on this site up to date with the latest laws and standards?  I’m not telling.

The moral of the story here is that I’m wanting to give out some free advice, but you need to validate it before doing anything crazy, either personal or business.

If you know something I’ve said is wrong (or right!) please let me know in the comments.  I’m happy to update articles as I learn new information.

It’s also worth noting, that all my financial/tax/businessy info is specific to the US.  If you’re in some other country, my tax advice is most likely completely useless. Sorry. Read up on shaders instead.


You are welcome to use these shaders in your own projects, commercial or otherwise. No attribution required, though I’d always appreciate a shout out.

My Employer

I have a day job and my employer is Unity. They are aware of this website, but do not endorse it. This is something I’m making purely on my own, and does not reflect the practices, opinions, or preferences of my employer.

Affiliate Links

Many of my articles will link to affiliates. If you click those links, I may get paid a commission, most likely due to you purchasing something.  I try to always link whatever is most relevant to the article and the reader.  If I can set that link up as an affiliate program that might help me keep the servers running, great. If not, then the link stays, because I just want you all to get the info you need.  

So far, all my affiliate links have been created via a blind affiliate program.  This means the company I am linking to has not reviewed or endorsed my content.