Tag: how-to

HSV Shader Graph – Hue Saturation Value

HSV Title Image

There are a number of ways to mathematically represent a color.  In computer graphics, RGB is by far the most common – Red, Green Blue.  Second to that is HSV – Hue, Saturation, Value.  This tutorial will go through how to make HSV shader graph nodes to convert between the two, and why you would […]

Old Movie Shader Graph

Old movie effects can take many forms.  Some are just black and white, some sepia.  Some have dirt & noise that causes bright spots, some cause dark spots.  The old movie shader graph we’ll make today will be sepia with dark dirt, but as I go I’ll point out where we could adjust that.   This […]

Heat Haze Shader Graph How-To

Heat Haze Title

It’s 103F (40C) where I live today, so it felt right to create a tutorial on how to make a heat haze shader graph. Heat haze is the deformation and sometimes blurring of the air around hot things. I think the science behind it has something to do with water vapor, but we won’t worry […]

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