An introduction to vertex shaders and geometry shaders within Unity. Includes coded shaders and shader graph.
There are quite a few paths to head down when creating shaders in Unity. There is support for several types of code based shaders, and as of 2018.1 you can use the shader graph. Today’s blog will cover the basic setup for those methods. This will provide a framework to better equip you to utilize […]
Welcome to part two of my shader series. This post will be a collection of basic shaders samples, each intending to show you a simple concept. These can be used as-is within Unity, or modified slightly for other platforms and engines. At the end of this article, there’s a live Unity version of all the […]
This is the first in a series I’m creating to walk people from “heard of shaders” to “writing complex shaders from scratch”. This one covers shader basics and high level concepts. Future articles will focus on more specific shader implementations, using shaders in tools like Unity, or advanced shader concepts. Edit: This was the first […]